Just a little hello ...

by - 13:48

Now you may be wondering who is this mysterious person? Well that is simple, I'm Catherine Lindsey Rebecca, even though I don't like people calling me by that name. Don't get me wrong it's a beautiful name, my parents did well. I was named after my great aunt from wales, but it's just not me. So, it's just Cat.

I live in what i would describe as a quaint town house in a busy little town in Essex. I live with my partner of three and a half years, we have 2 cats Bumble and Disney. They are quite fantastic little characters. Bumble (on the left) is very old and frail she is 89 years in cat years and keeps herself to herself. On the other hand, Disney (on the right) who is only half the age and quite the opposite of bumble , is a larger than life (literally he is very chubby). He's a cute ball of fluff who loves to play and have lots of cuddles. I love them both very much but they do not get along at all.

We also have a dog called Teddy (4-year-old Yorkie) he's not actually our dog, but he does live in our house. He's quite a peculiar woof, he’s scared of the hoover and loves to bark at the postman or the neighbourhood cats. We do take him for long walks over the park that we live nearby, it's one of my favourite places to go, it's very small yet very pretty. I love to take photographs hence why there is probably a lot of them on this page. I like to use disposable cameras because of the candied shots they produce, plus you never know what you’re going to get. 

I am a waitress and work at a retro/American themed restaurant in my local area. Due to an illness, I seem to have a lot of spare time on my hands. So I thought I would create this little space to entertain myself and possibly whoever may be reading this with. However, I am not going to go into the details, that is a post for another day. This was just a small introduction into me and my little life. Feel free to follow me on my journey as I’m hoping to try and post daily. Thank you for coming along and please subscribe. 

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